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加拿大渥太华大学Stephen Newman教授做客第303期化苑讲坛

Prof. Stephen Newman

作者:  发布:2017-11-16 00:00:00  点击量:

 加拿大渥太华大学Stephen Newman教授做客第303期化苑讲坛


报告题目:Making Molecules with Modern Methods and Machinery: New Strategies in Catalysis and Flow Chemistry

   Prof. Stephen Newman






Stephen received his B.Sc, Honours in Chemistry in 2008 at Dalhousie University and conducted PhD study at University of Toronto with Prof. Mark Lautens. During this time carried out an internship with Prof. Frank Glorius at the University of Muenster. Then he did postdoc research with Prof. Klavs F. Jensen at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In Summer 2014, Stephen joined the Center for Catalysis Research and Innovation (CCRI) at the University of Ottawa as an Assistant Professor to apply strategies in flow chemistry and transition metal catalysis to the development of new, industrially relevant chemical reactions. He holds the Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Catalysis, was a Thieme Chemistry Journal Awardee in 2015, and received the John Polanyi Prize in Chemistry in 2016.

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