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德国拜罗伊特大学Rhett Kempe教授做客第324期化苑讲坛

作者:  发布:2018-01-03 08:31:02  点击量:

报告题目:Catalysts for a more sustainable chemistry (面向更为可持续化的催化化学)

Rhett Kempe教授





Kempe教授在新型配合物和非均相纳米催化领域均取得了杰出的科学成就。通过应用这些催化剂和采用无氢受体的脱氢偶联反应策略,发展了一系列由可再生资源转化为功能化氮杂环的新合成方法。至今,Kempe已在Nat ChemNat CommunJ Am Chem SocAngew Chem Int Ed等国际顶级化学刊物上发表研究论文400余篇,并担任多个国际知名期刊的编委,获得过卡尔-温纳克、海森堡等奖项。2004年至2007年间,他担任拜罗伊特大学化学系的主任;2009年至2015年间,他分别担任生物-化学-地球科学学院的副院长和院长;目前,他是拜罗伊特大学理事会的核心成员。


   Dwindling reserves of crude oil and other fossil carbon sources combined with environmental concerns have resulted in a call for the use of alternative, preferably renewable resources. Aside from fuel, ultimately a wide variety of chemical feedstocks is derived from fossil sources. Renewable lignocellulosic materials or waste are abundantly available, indigestible and therefore not useful as food products, and can be processed to give alcohols and polyols. Thus, there is a high demand for new reactions that utilize alcohols and convert them into key chemicals.Recently, our group introduced the concept of acceptorless dehydrogenative condensation (ADC) for the catalytic synthesis of important aromatic N-heterocyclic compounds like pyrroles. In such ADC reactions, alcohols become selectively hetero-connected via C-C and C-N bond formation steps. The deoxygenation of alcohols takes place via condensation steps and liberation of H2 leads to aromatization.In the talk, the development of (i) the ADC concept,(ii) ADC reactions, (iii) robustly supported reusable catalysts for ADC, and (iv) nonprecious 3d-metal catalysts for such reactions are discussed.

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