- 姓 名: 高中洪
Zhonghong Gao
- 出生年月:1968-10
- 学历: 研究生
- 职称: 教授
- 专业方向:生物无机化学、自由基生物学
- 电 话:18971619651
- Email:zhgao144@hust.edu.cn
- 个人主页:
1986.9.-1989.7. 重庆钢铁专科学校化学系学习
1993.9.-1995.7. 华中理工大学化学系攻读硕士学位
1995.9.-1998.11. 华中理工大学药物研究所攻读博士学位
1998.11.-2000.5. 华中理工大学化学系讲师
2000.6.-2001.8. 华中科技大学化学系副教授
2001.9-2002.8. Department of Integrative Biology & Pharmacology, The University of Texas, Medical School at Houston 访问学者
2002.9.-2004.10. 华中科技大学化学系副教授
2004.11-现在 华中科技大学化学系教授、博士生导师
蛋白质硝化对糖尿病心血管并发症病理过程的影响研究(No. 30300073)
铁过载肝中的蛋白质酪氨酸硝化及黄芩苷的干预作用研究(No. 30670481)
Ab-铁卟啉复合物催化神经系统蛋白质酪氨酸硝化修饰的反应特性与生理影响(No. 31170808)
Yi Huang, Youxia Shuai, Hailing Li, Zhonghong Gao!*. Tyrosine residues play an important role in heme detoxification by serum albumin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects. 2014, 1840(3):970-6
Can Yuan, Zhonghong Gao!*. Abinteracts with both the iron center and the porphyrin ring of heme: mechanism of heme’s action on Abaggregation and disaggregation. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2013, 26(2):262-9.
Min Tu, Hayder A. Abbood, Zhening Zhu, Hailing Li, Zhonghong Gao!*. Investigation of the photocatalytic effect of zinc oxide nanoparticles in the presence of nitrite. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2013, 244-245: 311-321.
Min Tu, Yi Huang, Hailing Li, Zhonghong Gao!*. The stress caused by nitrite with titanium dioxide nanoparticles under UVA irradiation in human keratinocyte cell. Toxicology. 2012, 299: 60-68.
Can Yuan, Lian Yi, Zhen Yang, Qingqing Deng, Yi Huang, Hailing Li, Zhonghong Gao!*. Amyloid-beta-heme peroxidase promoted protein nitrotyrosination: relevance to widespread protein nitration in Alzheimer’s disease. Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry. 2012, 17(2):197-207.
Naihao Lu, Yan Zhang, Hailing Li, Zhonghong Gao !*. Oxidative and nitrative modifications of alpha-enolase in cardiac proteins from diabetic rats. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 2010 48(7):873-881
Yan Zhang, Naihao Lu, Zhonghong Gao!*. Hemin-H2O2-NO2- induced protein oxidation and tyrosine nitration is different from that of SIN-1: A study on glutamate dehydrogenase nitrative/oxidative modification. International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology. 2009, 41(4):907-15.
Naihao Lu, Zhening Zhu, Xuqi Zhao, Ran Tao, Xiangliang Yang, Zhonghong Gao!*. Nano titanium dioxide photocatalytic protein tyrosine nitration:A potential hazard of TiO2 on skin. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 2008, 370(4):675-80.
Naihao Lu, Mingyi Zhang, Hailing Li, ZhonghongGao!*, Completely different effects of desferrioxamine on hemin/nitrite/H2O2-induced bovine serum albumin nitration and oxidation. Chemical Research in Toxicology. 2008, 21(6), 1229–1234.
Yuling Zhao, Hailing Li,Zhonghong Gao!*, Huibi Xu. Effects of dietary baicalin supplementation on iron overload induced mouse liver oxidative injury. European Journal of Pharmacology. 2005, 509(2-3): 195-200
Ka Bian*, Zhonghong Gao*Norman Weisbrodt and Ferid Murad. The nature of Hemin/iron–induced protein tyrosine nitration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA. 2003, 100(10):5712-7 (* Equally contributed to this paper)
Zhonghong Gao, Kaixun Huang, Huibi Xu. Protective effects of flavonoids in the roots of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi against hydrogen peroxide-induced oxidative stress in HS-SY5Y cells. Pharmacological Research. 2001, 43:173-178 (cited: 134)
Zhonghong Gao, Kaixun Huang, Xiangliang Yang, Huibi Xu. Free radical scavenging and antioxidant activities of flavonoids extracted from the radix of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1999, 1472(3): 643-650.(cited: 316)